What is Osteopathy?

Osteopathy is a system of assessing, diagnosing, treating and preventing a broad range of health concerns. Osteopaths are regulated allied healthcare professionals, who have completed a minimum of a Bachelors or Masters university education. Studies focuses on leading research-based eduction in anatomy, physiology, pathology, neurology, general medical screening and osteopathic techniques.

Osteopathy is a legally regulated healthcare profession in the UK, recognised by the NHS. Osteopaths take a holistic view of the structure and function of the body to diagnose and treat a wide variety of musculoskeletal medical conditions. Treatment is centred on the principle that the skeleton, muscles, ligaments and connective tissues of an individual need to function smoothly together so as to maintain wellbeing in accordance with the principles of osteopathy ie: 'The body is capable of self-regulation, self-healing and health maintenance' and 'structure and function are reciprocally interrelated'.

What can Osteopathy treat?

Osteopaths use a number of non-invasive treatments such as touch, physical manipulation, assisted stretching and massage to restore bodily function through increasing the mobility of joints, relieving muscle tension, enhancing blood and nerve supply to tissues, and encouraging an individual’s own healing mechanisms in a holistic manner, dependant on the requirements and conditions of different patients.

The versatility of osteopathic treatment makes it suitable for the whole family, with focus on a number of specialities for both adults, and children and teens from the ages of 5 to 17 years old, including cranial, visceral and structural techniques, antenatal and postnatal.

Osteopathic treatment can help to treat the symptoms of several conditions such as:

Soft tissue / muscle strain

Muscle pain & discomfort

Muscle spasms & cramping

Ligamentous sprains

Hand, wrist & elbow pain (ie tennis elbow / golfers elbow)

Shoulder pain (including frozen shoulder)

Neck pain (including ‘tech or text neck’)

Trapped nerve, Nerve pain e.g Sciatica

Joint pain

Postural issues (facet joint irritation)

Osteoarthritis pain & degenerative conditions

Sports & fitness related injuries

Stress or the inability to relax

Upper, middle & lower back pain

Hip, knee & foot pain

Pregnancy related pain


Post-surgery or post-injury rehabilitation

Circulatory issues


Rheumatic pain

Migraine & headache pain

Digestive issues


'Bodywork' [ Bod-ee-wurk ] noun.

Is the utilisation of touch (ie massage, soft & deep tissue work, myofascial trigger point release with active & passive stretching) to either improve the bodies structure & function (ie circulation, lymphatics and relaxation), applied as a therapeutic modality to ease pain & aid the healing process within the body.

Choose from our range of massage bodywork therapies to have at our treatment room, at your home, workplace or wherever suits. There is a treatment befitted for everyone, whether you like gentle treatment for relaxation, to aid recovery from injury or demands of sporting & daily activities, to treatment working deep into muscle tissue to re-condition, re-cover & re-store.

J E O R E L A X - Light to Medium pressure.

This gentle, nurturing massage is ideal for when you need a dose of self-care and total relaxation. Beneficial in combatting tension, tiredness and stress.

J E O H O L I S T I C - Light to Medium pressure.

In need of some quality ‘me’ time? This classic massage treatment uses many fundamental massage techniques to condition the whole body from every day stressors.

J E O C B O D Y - Medium to Strong pressure.

This focused massage uses fine grade CBD* oil and moisturising balm blends to target areas. Perfect for alleviating bodily aches, soreness, tension, knot release and muscle recovery.

J E O D E E P - Medium to Strong pressure.

This powerful deep tissue massage treatment is ideal for easing tension, aches and stiffness by targeting the deeper muscle groups Ideal for targeting sore muscles and fascial tensions that can affecting your mobility and freedom of movement.

J E O S P O R T - Strong pressure.

This powerful sports/remedial massage treatment is ideal pre or post an event where you’ve pushed your body to its most. This massage uses a combination of neuromuscular and muscle energy techniques with joint mobilisation to keep you at your personal best.

*CBD (cannabidiol) used in this massage is one of many plant compounds known as cannabinoids extracted from the cannabis plant family. Unlike THC (Tetrahydrocannabinol, the cannabinoid that produces a high), CBD is mainly non-psychoactive and therefore does not induce a high. The CBD oil used for this treatment is combined in concentrations set by UK and EU legislation, in natural, cruelty-free formulas.


What is Naturopathy?

Naturopathy is a distinct primary health care system that blends modern scientific knowledge with traditional and natural forms of medicine. It is based on the healing power of nature and it supports and stimulates the body’s ability to heal itself. Naturopathy is the art and science of disease diagnosis, treatment and prevention using natural therapies including: dietetics, botanical medicine, clinical nutrition, hydrotherapy, homeopathy, fasting, naturopathic manipulation, traditional Chinese medicine/acupuncture, exercise, lifestyle counselling, detoxification and chelation, environmental assessment and adjustment, spiritual healing, health promotion and disease prevention.

What do Naturopaths do?

Naturopaths help you get to the root underlying causes of your health issues and guide you on the changes you need to make in order to get well. They may offer advice on dietary changes, lifestyle changes, and guidance on emotional wellbeing. They may be able to give you treatment such as osteopathy, naturopathic manipulation, acupuncture or massage if they are suitably trained. They may also prescribe natural remedies such as herbs, homeopathy or nutritional supplements.

Why choose a GCRN Registered Naturopath?

GCRN registered Naturopaths are trained to the highest standards in the UK. We only accept Naturopaths onto our register if they have fulfilled our rigorous criteria. We accept only Naturopaths with degree status in Naturopathy or an allied discipline, or those who have shown excellence in practice. We also insist on a strict code of conduct and ethical standards from our practitioners. We take complaints against our members seriously: your health and best interests are our primary concern. Fortunately complaints about our members are exceptionally rare.

Who sees a Naturopath?

Naturopathy helps people with all forms of health concerns — from paediatric to geriatric, from acute (recent sudden onset) to chronic (long standing) illness and from the physical to the psychological. Naturopathy is beneficial for the following types of patients:

  • People who are looking for disease prevention and health promotion strategies

  • People who have a range of symptoms that they have been unable to address on their own or with the help of other medical practitioners

  • People who have been diagnosed with an illness, often serious or chronic and are looking for supportive treatment options. Naturopathy is very effective for improving quality of life for those with serious and life threatening illnesses

  • People who are looking to combine conventional and naturopathic treatments with the aim of minimising side effects of drugs, surgery or medical treatments.

How does Naturopathy differ from conventional medicine?

The primary differences between naturopathic and conventional medicine are the philosophical approach and the therapies used. Naturopaths (NDs) help people by treating them as individuals and by addressing the physical, environmental, lifestyle, attitudinal, and emotional aspects of health. This allows naturopaths to find and treat the cause of the disease using a variety of therapies. Conventional doctors generally address and treat the symptoms of disease and use pharmaceutical therapies or surgery.

How Does Naturopathy compare with Functional Medicine?

Functional Medicine is the modern equivalent in many ways to Naturopathy. Many Naturopaths practice as functional medicine practitioners. Functional Medicine is a term which became popular in America for those combining modern science with Naturopathic principles. The UK based Naturopath tends to have a broader perspective than a pure Functional Medicine practitioner in that they are likely to also take into account the emotional health and the posture of the person.

Working with other medical professionals

Naturopaths are very willing to work alongside other health professionals such as your GP.




What is medical acupuncture?

Medical acupuncture/dry needling is also commonly known as Western Acupuncture. It is often used in Osteopathic treatment as an effective therapy to treat muscular tension and spasms, which commonly accompany conditions such as arthritis, nerve irritation, muscular strain, ligament strains and herniated discs.

A very fine, solid filament needle is inserted in a contracted muscle to create a local twitch reflex. This is both diagnostic and therapeutic, as it is the first step in assisting breaking the pain cycle.

Research shows that this will decrease muscle contraction, reduce chemical irritation, and decrease pain.

Frequently asked questions about medical acupuncture

Where will the needles be inserted?

The needles are gently and painlessly inserted into what are known as ‘Acupuncture Points’ or ‘pressure points’. These ‘points’ are carefully selected for you by the practitioner.

Is Acupuncture safe?

Acupuncture is widely regarded as a safe and reliable therapeutic modality.

Are the needles sterile?

All needles are gas or gamma sterilised and have clear ‘best-before’ information. They are also designed to be disposed of after a single application.

Does Acupuncture hurt?

Acupuncture needles are hair-fine with a point configuration similar to that of a bullet. Great care is taken when inserting, so Acupuncture needles will not damage the structures beneath the skin.


How does K (kinesiology) taping work? How does it help you go stronger, longer?

K-tape can help turn down the volume on pain

More specifically, it runs interference on pain. Ever whack your shin and rub it, and suddenly realise you feel better? K-Tape on the skin can interfere with painful signals which are directed to the brain. When the signals arriving to the brain are altered, it does not produce the sensation of pain. When kinesiology tape is properly applied, many of our customers call it “magic” or think that it fixed their injury instantly. In fact, it helps to change how your body interprets pain, turning down the pain “volume” that your body hears.

K-tape can decompresses swelling and inflammation

When K-Tape is applied to the skin, it has a microscopic lifting effect underneath the skin and between the many layers. This allows the by-products created by inflammation to be removed more quickly.

K-tape can delay fatigue

Research has shown that K-Tape on skin can attenuate muscle fatigue. In rehab, this is very important, not only for the parts of your body that are currently hurting, but also for the surrounding areas as they help to pick up the slack for muscles that are currently not working well.

K-tape can normalise muscle tone

When someone is injured, fatigued, sick, or inflamed, the symphony of muscle action that normally takes place with great accuracy often falls out of tune. This can happen all over the body. For instance, research has shown that people who sprain their ankle tend to have altered activity of their hip muscle as a result. K-Tape helps bring dormant muscle back to life and help calm down the overactive muscles. It helps your body coordinate movement as if it weren’t hurt, hence allowing it to heal properly.

K-tape can distribute physical stress

Unlike conventional taping, which prevents movement, K-Tape allows full movement of a taped area. Through elastic properties and quick recoil, K-Tape can help distribute forces to other nearby areas through the fascia, ligaments, and even bones.


In addition to advise and exercise and habilitation programmes discussed in your treatment, we utilise leading current evidence based online exercise provisions that are demonstrated and emailed tailored to your requirements to pre-habilitate, rehabilitate and condition every patients needs. All handouts are accompanied by comprehensive and easy to follow explanations with video links that can be easily accessed on your computer, tablet or mobile device with progress tracking if required.


Utilising a holistic and naturopathic approach to your care, Functional and nutritional advice can be given in conjunction with your treatment utilising tools such as diet-diary plans, nutritional assessment and more.


There is little doubt that there are many benefits of ergonomics and they are the basis of creating an efficient work environment.

You can utilise ergonomics to decrease injury and boost physical efficiency. Research shows that successful implementation requires continuous commitment and genuine participation from all employees. You can do this properly by educating yourself on when and how to implement it. Keep reading to learn more about how altering your workspace can improve your business. Here are nine impressive benefits of ergonomics in the workplace.

1. Improves Health

People who work in ergonomic workplaces have improved health. It typically starts within the cardiovascular system and spreads to other areas. Your heart will be healthier than it would be if you were working in a standard environment.

Also, you and your employees will feel less tension in your body because you’ll be adjusting the workstations to fit your height. These natural positions will prevent you from straining your eyes and necks. You’ll also reduce swelling in your legs because your blood flow will be optimal.

2. Improved Mental Insight

When you feel comfortable, you can focus better on the task at hand. Ergonomics decreases pain, strengthens muscles, and increases blood flow. Combined, this improves mental insight. You/your employees will experience less anxiety, increased awareness, improved moods, and focus. This means everyone can concentrate on their work more. The better focused they are the higher productivity levels.

3. Higher Productivity Levels

The better focused your employees are, the high level of productivity they can have. Ergonomics combine different ideas to make workstations feel more natural. These lead to increased productivity because they’ll be more comfortable and focused. Your business needs productivity levels to increase to be successful. You can change your workplace to be better for employees. The better they feel about their work, the more they’ll want to produce.

4. Decreased Pains

Ergonomics is meant to make things feel more natural and safe. Due to this change, your body will be less strained and your health will improve. These combined will lead to decreased pain.

When employees feel uncomfortable, it affects their ability to work. You can work at a standing desk, or trade the phone for a headset to start. The less pain your employees have, the better they can focus on the quality.

5. Higher Quality Work

The benefits of ergonomic workspaces range from the body to the quality of work. Aches, pains, fatigue, and other problems can take a toll on a worker. Ergonomics can eliminate those issues and help workers work.

When people feel comfortable, they can focus on high-quality production. This combined with increased productivity levels will keep your consumers happy too.

6. Eliminates Hazards

Part of creating a more productive work environment is eliminating the daily hazards that can hurt your employees. These distractions are unsafe and can lead to worse consequences later. Pay attention and know your office so you can assess what hazards exist.

Another good idea is to ask your employees what hazards they face daily. By asking for their input, you’re showing that you care. Implementing the change will show them they’ve been heard.

7. Increased Employee Engagement

Your employees will notice that your business provides the best conditions for increased employees’ health and safety. Because they won’t be experiencing fatigue and discomfort, you’ll see an increase in the employees’ involvement. You’ll find their motivation will increase the more they feel taken care of by the company.

This can reduce the turnover rate and make your business one others want to work with. Your employees’ opinions matter, and you can benefit from it by utilising ergonomics.

8. Encourages Safety

Ergonomics will create a safer work environment and increase awareness. You’ll remove hazards, improve workstations for less discomfort, and teach your employees to update their spaces with safety in mind.

Not to mention, the health benefits that come with ergonomics keeps employees healthy at work. This will encourage safety on another level. You can keep your work consistent and stable by providing employees with a safe environment they can thrive in.

9. Happier Employees, Happier You

The better you utilise ergonomics, the happier your employees will be. They’ll enjoy coming into work more than they did before, and it will affect those around them. You will notice a difference in your own happiness.

When your employees are happy at work, their productivity levels will increase. The better they do, the better your business will do. These are all factors in keeping everyone safe and happy.

How to Access The Benefits of Ergonomics

The only way to access the benefits of ergonomics is to start implementing the changes. You can start with individual workstations, and remove hazards along the way. Talk to employees to get their opinions and combine them with your ideas.

Analise your situation, the layout, and your needs before making changes. With proper planning, you will achieve the best possible workplace. You should read more tips about helping setup ergonomic workstations for your business

Other Tips

There are more ways you can make working more comfortable. According to the National Institutes of Health, small adjustments can lead to improvements in comfort and productivity. The following are recommended by them for adults:

  • Eye exercises

  • Back exercises

  • Warming up first

  • Proper rest

You can share these ideas with your fellow employees by posting them up somewhere visible, or by sharing them via email reminders. These tips combined with an ergonomic workspace can improve your business. When you use these mentioned ideas, everyone will have a more comfortable workday.

Enjoy a Better Work Environment Today

You’re one step closer to a better work environment for you and your co-workers. Now that you know these nine impressive benefits of ergonomics in the workplace, it’s time to shift things around. Remember to share with your employees the tips you learned today. You can improve your business with the right resources and advice. We provide you with the information you need to succeed. Explore our website a little longer for the best tips and tricks.